



予約/問い合わせ:西会津国際芸術村 担当 矢部
メール  tel 0241-47-3200

10:30 集合 西会津国際芸術村
10:30~11:00 講座
11:00~11:30 町内の赤松林に移動
11:30~12:30 現地にてレクチャー
13:00~14:30 各自昼食および移動(晴天時:現地、雨天時:芸術村)
14:30~16:30 盆栽制作デモンストレーション


|講師| 盆栽作家・阿部大樹











About ‘Kukanyubi’ (The Beauty of Space)

Bonsai means following the flow of nature. Of course, many natural trees have unsightly or unnecessary branches, and you have to support them when practicing bonsai. When working with these trees, sometimes you have to rely on unnatural techniques to appreciate their aesthetic worth. However, you can use additional techniques to hide the unnatural areas with branches and leaves, and produce trees that do not appear unnatural.

Ultimately, you have to use natural examples to create natural looking trees. It is important to observe nature and consider the environment where the tree grew, the properties of the tree, and its individual characteristics. If you study the branches of a tree, you might ask yourself, “Why did this branch thicken, and what should I do with such a thick branch?” Or “Why is this branch so thin, and what should I do with such a thin branch?” But, it is a naturally occurring shape.

Trees that grow naturally on a hillside have trunks and branches that may wither after spending many years in the shade, and the branches that receive a lot of sun may grow and prosper. That is to say, old trees that have aged naturally produce their own natural shape. As pine trees age, the number of leaves increase, as leaves increase, the heavy lower branches may no longer receive any direct sunlight. The tree begins to wither where the branches join the trunk, or where there is a bunch of small twigs. Space is created naturally, and each individual branch, in its own place, can show its function. This is what you have to think about when you cultivate branches with bonsai.

When you consider a tree’s shape, using a natural tree as a model, you should never forget the phrase ‘kukanyubi’. This translates into English as ‘the beauty of space’. In nature, you can consider the space between branches, between trucks, and between branches and trunks. In bonsai, you can also include the space of the pot. When you produce bonsai, the spaces are alive, and showing the beauty of these spaces is an important theme.

Have you ever seen a bonsai where the canopy is covered in leaves? Where there is no balancing or alteration of the branches, and it is simply pruned like a tree in a garden? You can’t see the form of the trunk or the shape of the branches. If you see such an un-styled tree, you will understand the importance of ‘negative space’.
When cultivating bonsai, you must always keep ‘the beauty of space’ in mind. That is the desire and meaning contained in the phrase ‘kukanyubi’.