西会津国際芸術村 滞在クリエイター+アーティスト募集
ビジュアルアーティスト、デザイナー、ミュージシャン、作家、映像作家、写真家、建築家、料理家、エンジニアなどあらゆるジャンルのクリエイターがこのプログラムに応募できます。また、プロフェッショナル、セミプロフェッショナル、アマチュア、または学生などの業績や経歴は問いません。BOOT AIRの主なコンセプトは、(1)持続可能なコミュニティ(2)伝統的な環境文化から学ぶ(3)環境共生のライフスタイルを再現する(4)文化交流を通した過疎地域の活性化です。西会津町の豊かな自然、文化、習慣、伝統に触れながら充実した制作活動を行ってほしいと願っています。
All types of artists (visual, designers, musicians, performers, cooks, architects, engineers, etc…) are welcome to apply for the program regardless of stature (professional, amateur, student). The program’s key concepts involve: (1) building a sustainable community, (2) learning from traditional environmental culture, (3) recreating an
environmental symbiosis lifestyle, and (4) revitalizing the depopulated community through cultural exchange.
Applications are accepted throughout the year. Artists may apply by themselves or with a group. Periods of one to three months are preferred, but longer or shorter stays may also be negotiated (maximum one year).
The Nishiaizu International Art Village is a former school that now serves a multitude of purposes including a gallery, performance and exhibition space, community cafe and working office. As an artist you will have access to the Art Village to do work and have presentations. A
studio room will be provided for the artist with limited necessities. Across from the Art Village is a renovated house for artists to stay during their residency. In addition to a private room the house includes all amenities needed for cooking, cleaning and washing.
Applicant must be: at least age 20, have no crime history, be in good health condition, and in possession of valid health insurance. If accepted the applicant will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging these facts.
1. 過去の作品リスト(写真、PDF等)またはウェブサイト
2. 西会津町での滞在制作においての簡単な活動内容
To apply the applicant can submit by email the following:
▪ List of works (photos or pdf) or a link to personal website.
▪ A short proposal for what the artist wants to do in
Nishiaizu. We ask that the applicant keep in mind connecting with the local environment in some way.
▪ Students are required to submit a letter of
recommendation/reference from their school or professor.
▪ Selection will be made by the Nishiaizu International
Art Village and town members.